Python Programing Language | Fundamental

Fangky Ristiawan
4 min readMar 29, 2021

What is Python ?

Python is a programming language, python was first created by Guido van Rossum and was first released in 1991 at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), The Netherlands. Python language is inspired by the ABC programming language. Until now, Guido is still the main writer for python, even though it is open source so thousands of people also contributed in developing it.

The name python itself does not come from the name of the snake we know. Guido is a fan of the British comedy group Monty Python. He then named the language he created with the name Python.

In 1995, Guido continued python development at the Corporation for National Research Initiative (CNRI) in Virginia America, where he released several versions of python.
In May 2000, Guido and the Python team moved to and formed the BeOpen PythonLabs team. In October of the same year, the python team moved to Digital Creation (now the Zope Company). In 2001, the Python Organization was formed, namely the Python Software Foundation (PSF). PSF is a non-profit organization created specifically for all matters relating to Python intellectual property. The Zope company becomes a sponsor member of the PSF. All versions of python are open source.

This is a python version and release date:

Python 1.0 — Januari 1994

Python 1.2–10 April 1995

Python 1.3–12 Oktober 1995

Python 1.4–25 Oktober 1996

Python 1.5–31 Desember 1997

Python 1.6–5 September 2000

Python 2.0–16 Oktober 2000

Python 2.1–17 April 2001

Python 2.2–21 Desember 2001

Python 2.3–29 Juli 2003

Python 2.4–30 Nopember 2004

Python 2.5–19 September 2006

Python 2.6–1 Oktober 2008

Python 2.7–3 Juli 2010

Python 3.0–3 Desember 2008

Python 3.1–27 Juni 2009

Python 3.2–20 Februari 2011

Python 3.3–29 September 2012

Python 3.4–16 Maret 2014

Python 3.5–13 September 2015

Python 3.6–23 Desember 2016

Python 3.7–27 Juni 2018

Python 3.8–14 Oktober 2019

Python 3.9–5 Oktober 2020

Why python? Even though there are many other programming languages

There are several advantages that python has:

  • Easy to learn. The syntax is clear and easy to read. It is very suitable to use, especially as a first programming language.
  • Simple but powerful. Writing code requires fewer command lines than other programming languages.
  • Versatile, it can fit almost any need or interest you have. Python can be used for desktop and mobile programming, CLI, GUI, web, automation, hacking, IoT, robotics, and so on.
  • Very popular. Rank 3 in the TIOBE index in 2020. No. The 4 most widely used programming languages ​​according to Stackoverflow survey 2020. It is the no.1 fastest growing programming language and the most desirable in recent years according to Stackoverflow.
  • Who uses python? Python is widely used by large and top companies in the world. Google uses it on its search engine, on YouTube and others, Microsoft, Dropbox, Instagram, Pinterest, and others.
  • Portable, can run on multi platforms, Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Java Virtual Machine and .NET.
  • Python modules (libraries) are very much (abundant) so that it can make it easier for us to create programs without having to write code from scratch.
  • Python is a ‘current’ programming language due to the growing popularity of data science and its branches such as AI, machine learning, and big data. Python is most popular and widely used because it has a complete library for it such as sklearn, pytorch, tensorflow, and so on.
  • Open source. Python will continue to grow because it is supported by a large community and the Python Software Foundation (PSF) Institute which annually holds international conferences.
  • Python code can be run interactively (interactive mode) for testing, you can see the results immediately.
  • Multi paradigm, we can write python in a functional programming style and it can also be OOP. OOP is easier and simpler than in languages ​​like Java or C ++.
  • Python code can be embedded into other languages ​​such as C and Java, or vice versa, from C or Java to Python.
  • Python is very fast. Source code will be compiled into bytecode, executing the same file for the second time will be faster.
  • Python tutorials are available in abundance, both in the form of printed books, e-books, articles, videos, and question and answer forums. All problems are almost certain to be resolved on the internet.

However, there are shortcomings of python with other programming languages, namely python is an interpreter compared to other languages that use compilers. So that python will run slower than other compiler languages. However, python currently has done a lot of optimization so that the speed is almost the same as the language that uses the compiler.

Next chapter :



Fangky Ristiawan

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